Naturopathic treatments for flu
3. Vitamin C – intravenous vitamin C can be helpful at ridding viruses and other troublesome infections such as shingles. Taking oral vitamin C every hour may also help reduce the duration of viral symptoms. Excess oral vitamin C can lead to diarrhea, if that happens, reduce the amount you are taking to normalize your bowel movements until your symptoms subside. Injectible Echinacea can also help support your immune system against viruses. Contact our office to find out more about our injectible treatments.
4. Get a naturopathic immune system checkup: a one-on-one targeted approach to getting customized advice to support your immunity. Call 905-597-7201 to book you and your family.
Other important basics:
- Get your rest – seven to eight hours for adults, and more for children based on their age. If you have the flu, you need more rest – if you don’t take the rest you need, your flu may be more prolonged.
- Include immune supporting foods more regularly. For example, thyme, oregano, garlic, mushrooms, and ginger all have immune-balancing effects. Eating sufficient vegetables and fruits provide important vitamins and minerals that support your immune functions (eg: nutrients like zinc, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin A, etc.). Drink enough fluids, primarily herbal teas (eg: ginger, echinacea, elderberry, licorice), broths, and yes, chicken soup. Reduce sugar consumption as it can suppress your immune system.
- Take your vitamin D. It has a role in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. Consult your naturopath to know the right dose for you. In our office, we also offer UV-B light therapy to help your body make it’s own vitamin D (and it also helps against many photo-responsive skin problems as well, such as psoriasis, eczema, and vitiligo).
- Reduce your stressors, and regularly wash your hands with soap and water. Note, that some hand sanitizers contain thyroid-disrupting chemicals, learn more.