Digestive Wellness
Most people have digestive upsets to varying degrees. However, when symptoms get more severe such as intense or significant bloating and gas, or when symptoms get more frequent such as frequent episodes of hemorrhoids or heartburn, or if symptoms get more disturbing such as blood in the stool…then it is time for a comprehensive digestive wellness program.
With past overusage of antibiotics and heartburn medications, mental-emotional turmoil and stress, severe problems can surface such as low immune function, chronic yeast infections (oral thrush, bloating, sweet cravings), skin rashes, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux disease, etc. Frequent antibiotic use has been associated with the development of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, asthma, chronic yeast infections, diarrhea, and an increased chance of immune system dysfunction.
Whether you have current digestive symptoms, or if you have recurrent intestinal polyps, or a history of significant digestive problems including colitis, Crohn’s disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heartburn, hernia, hemorrhoids, fissures, fistula, etc, the Naturopathic Digestive Wellness Program would be an ideal, proactive, natural approach to dramatically improving or resolving your concerns.
The Digestive Wellness Program offered at Four Seasons Naturopathic Wellness:
Step One – Find out more about your problem with a detailed consultation focusing on your digestive health, and related systems of the body including your pancreas, liver and gallbladder function, and bowel habits. Appropriate tests will be suggested; a naturopathic physical exam will complete this step.
Step Two – Remove intestinal irritants and harmful organisms
Step Three – Repair the intestinal lining
Step Four – Replace digestive fluids and nutrients to encourage intestinal function
Step Five – Flush the intestinal lining to rid mucus and built-up debris
Step Six – Repopulate intestine with healthy organisms
Step Seven – Rejuvenate & strengthen digestive-related organs & encourage regular bowel habit