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In addition to providing customized naturopathic care, we offer Naturopathic Wellness Programs to help comprehensively support important areas of concern, such as on digestive health, toxicity, immune issues, stress, etc.  The appropriate program(s) will begin after an initial naturopathic consultation and physical exam visit.  Click on any of the following to learn more about each program.

Digestive Health Program

Dementia Program (Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Lewy Body, Frontotemporal)

Perimenopause Hormone Rejuvenation Program

Metabolism and Weight Management Program

Cleanse & Detoxification Program

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Support Program

Cancer Support Program

ADHD and Learning Disorders – Whole-Child Program

Stress Management Program

Pain and Fibromyalgia Program

Immune Support Program

Mental-Emotional Support Program